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“You have to understand that in the 50s and 60s everything in Copenhagen was grey, it was not the city you see and experience today. Panton’s choices were quite radical compared to those of other designers at the time.”



Anders Michelsen

Danas ću se dotaknuti velikog danskog dizajnera Vernera Pantona i njegove serije rasvjetnih tijela Flowerpot.

Panton je bio učenik Arnea Jacobsena, a svoj prvi studio pokrenuo sredinom 1950-ih.
U ’70-ima je počeo eksperimentirati s krugovima i sferama – motivima koji će postati središnja točka u njegovom dizajnu svjetiljki, uključujući i samu svjetiljku Flowerpot koju je dizajnirao 1968. godine i za koju zaista možemo reći da je klasik skandinavskog dizajna.
Svjetiljka slijedi prilično jednostavnu formu koju čine dvije polu-sfere različite veličine okrenute jedna prema drugoj.
Tijelo svjetiljke izgrađeno je od sjajnog emajla, a u početku su sjenila bila proizvedena u nizu svijetlih, živih boja.

Pantonovi dizajnerski pothvati slijedili su prilično nekonvencionalne izbore: upotreba plastike i naklonost psihodeličnim bojama i nisu baš budili naklonost među umjetnicima u Danskoj u tom vremenu.

“Bio je inovativan, napravio je nešto potpuno drugačije s plastikom i različitim oblicima i najvažnije, nije se bojao ići vlastitim putem.” kaže izvanredni prof. Dr. Sc. sveučilišta u Kopenhagenu i koautor Pantonove monografije – Anders Michelsen.

Danas taj kultni dizajn lampe i visilice proizvodi danski brend &tradition i možete ga naći u njihovim trgovinama (nama najbliže u Ljubljani) i na web shopu.

U nastavku vam prenosim zanimljiv kratki intervju &Traditiona i Marianne Panton, dizajnerove supruge:


&T: How would you describe the Verner Panton universe?

MP: It is difficult to describe, but perhaps imaginative, playful and colourful say it all!


&T: How important was the lighting in his work?

MP: The lighting was always paramount in his work, the wrong lighting could ruin even the best interior.


&T: What were his inspirations for the Flowerpot? Do you recall his first Flowerpot’s drawings and sketches?

MP: Verner’s intention was to create an interesting new lamp which had never been seen before, and he wanted to call it Flowerpot. The bright, shiny enamel and the coloured cable had never been seen in lighting fixtures before. It could hang alone or in clusters. Our apartment was filled with the first samples and their sales director even waited for days at our home, waiting for Verner to return from abroad so that they could get it. Most other lamps at the time were colourless. Today, it makes me very happy to see the Flowerpot bloom again.


&T: What, in your opinion, could explain the success of the Flowerpot lamp?

MP: It simply proves that Verner’s idea behind it was right.


&T: What is your feeling today when you see a Flowerpot somewhere?

MP: The feeling is the same as when I see all the other Panton designs somewhere. It makes me very very proud and happy. It is like meeting good old friends.




photography | &tradition 

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